General Rules and Procedures for Publishing in the Journal:
First: General rules:
- The journal publishes authentic and innovative scientific researches with a distinctive addition to knowledge taking into account the intellectual and linguistic integrity that goes hand in hand with the recognized scientific approaches.
- The journal accepts to publish the authentic researches and studies in Arabic and English.
- The number of authors in the research must not exceed (4) as a maximum for the practical paper.
- The researcher must be committed to using the journal template ( the template in Arabic or the template in English), and the researcher may not make any change to this template.
- The researcher’(s) personality or identity in the body of the research should not be referred to in order to preserve objectivity and for the sake of research professionalism.
- The researcher pledges, via a special form approved by the journal, to adhere to the known rules and ethics of scientific research and property rights in his research.
- The journal highly welcomes the publication of abstracts of scientific theses.
- The numbers of Arabic origin (1,2,3) are used in all aspects of research or study.
- The researcher is committed to review his research out of linguistic, spelling, and printing errors and the use of punctuation marks.
- Researches conducted by artificial intelligence are not accepted; this is because it is not committed to the scientific integrity and the ethics of scientific research, and it is not considered as an effort by the researcher.
- The research must be in the field of the journal.
- The researcher submits a written undertaken signed by him/her stating that the research has not been previously published, and that it will not be submitted for publication elsewhere until the peer review procedures are completed and published in the journal.
- The researches published in this journal have the opinions and viewpoints of authors and do not express the viewpoint of the journal or the university.
- All the publication rights only belong to the journal.
Second: Requirements for Preparing Research for Publication:
- The research title must be written in Arabic and English and the researchers’ information such as: (name, title, academic degree, specialization, department, college, university, country, and email(.
- Attach an accredited translation of the research abstract in Arabic and in English, so that each abstract does not exceed (150) words, followed by keywords of (3-5) words. The abstract should include in brief (the research objective, the methodology used, the research tool, the sample and the method of selecting it, the most important findings, and the most prominent recommendations (.
- The research paper in applied sciences is arranged as follows: (title, Arabic abstract, English abstract, introduction, materials, methods of study, and results, supported with suitable tables, recommendations, , followed by the list of references, and appendices if any).
Introduction should include the topic, research problem, objectives, significance of the study, limitation of the study, hypotheses, literature review, and then the research methodology that fits the nature of the research problem. It should tackle with the procedures, data collection whether quantitative or qualitative that enable the researcher to deal with the research problem.
- Clarifying the materials, work methods, research procedures, and statistical analysis that is apt to the hypotheses and research questions.
- The practical (experimental) aspect of the study should contain the technical details and information about the materials and methods used to carry out the study, such as chemical and medical materials, the software used, and the tools and procedures.
- Results and discussion: The results should be written according to the research questions and hypotheses, analyzed, interpreted and with a deep and sound scientific discussion based on a solid intellectual framework, and strongly connected to the previous studies and the theoretical framework.
- Conclusions & Recommendations: In light of the findings, the researcher should give a conclusion for the most important results, presenting applicable procedural recommendations, and presenting appropriate proposals for future studies.
- List of sources and references (Arabic, foreign, and translated (.
- The tables are included in the text of the paper and numbered sequentially according to the order of their sequence inside the text . The titles of the tables and their contents are written in Times New Roman, in bold (10), and the notes under the table are in regular (9) font size.
- Pictures, graphs, and illustrations are included in the text of the paper and numbered sequentially.
Third: Conditions for Submitting a Research Paper:
- The research is submitted electronically by registering and sending it through the website of journal or the email of the journal.
- The research shall be submitted in Arabic or English in an electronic copy compatible with (Word office), in size (12) with a single space in (Arabic simplified) font for research in Arabic, and in (Times New Roman) font for research in English and spaced (2) cm from all pages as footnotes, provided that the research pages do not exceed (25) pages for research written in Arabic, and (20) pages for research written in English.
- Researcher should submit two abstracts for the research in Arabic and English, each contains 200 words, attached on a separate page including the keywords; (3-5 keywords). The title page of the research must include the title of the research, the academic title, and the institution of the researcher, country, department, specialization, and email.
- Research is submitted according to the journal template available on the website without making any changes to the template settings .
- A copy of the research appendices and the data collection tool shall be attached if they are not included in the text of the research for the purpose of reviewing.
- The researcher must submit a written report confirming that the research has not been published in whole or in part on paper or electronically, or submitted for publication at the same time in another publishing journal.
Fourth: Technical Rules:
- The size of the page must be (25) cm high × (17) cm wide.
- All margins (top, bottom, right, left) must be (2) cm.
- Use a two-column layout for the search page, and the space between the lines is single.
- Use Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3….).
- The font size for the research title (16), main headings (14), and sub-headings (12) in bold.
- Footnotes are used to provide the reader with explanatory information. A footnote is indicated in the text by a number that stands above the line.
Fifth: Documentation of the References:
- The researcher must be committed to the documentation of references accurately according to the American Psychological Association system for scientific publishing, sixth or seventh edition (APA(.
- The research must be committed to accurate documentation; Books and periodicals are referred in the text of the research by numbers inside brackets with the page number as follows [3, p. 8], where the first number indicates the reference number and the second number indicates the page number.
- References are numbered sequentially inside large brackets [ ], bearing in mind that all references in the text are mentioned in the list of reference.
- The list of references must not exceed (40) references in the paper of the study.
- The names of all authors must be mentioned in the reference list. Mentioning the first name and writing “et al” is not allowed.
- Book Documentation: The reference begins by mentioning the author’s last name, the rest of the full name, the year of publication is placed between two brackets. The title of the book is bold. A full stop is followed by the edition number, the name of the publishing house: and the country of publication.
- Documenting a chapter in a book: The author’s last name is mentioned, the rest of the full name, (the year of publication). The chapter title and book title are in bold. A full stop is followed by the edition number, the name of the publishing house: the country of publication.
- Periodicals Documentation: This begins with the author’s last name, the rest of the full name, and (year of publication ) between brackets. The search title. Then the name of the journal in bold, then the Publication House, the volume number, the issue number, and the page numbers.
- Documentation of Scientific Theses:
This starts with the author's last name, the rest of the full name (the year of Viva Voce) between two brackets. Thesis title in bold. Published or unpublished, university and country of publication.
- Documentation of Internet articles:
This can be done through writing the author's last name (the year the article was published, day, and month) between brackets. The title of the article. It was viewed on the date (day, month, year), available at the electronic link. ....................
- Documentation of Conferences and Symposiums:
This is the style: Author's last name, (date of meeting) in brackets. The title of the research or scientific paper. The name of the conference or symposium, the place and country of the event.
- Footnotes Citation Style:
The footnote is placed at the bottom of the page to provide the reader with explanatory information about a point contained in the text of the paper, with a number between brackets ( ) above the line. The footnotes are numbered sequentially in the same font type of the text and in size (10).